(Feet close to Heisokudachi. Right fist is closed with the second
knuckles touching the left open palm. Both hands are in front of the
groin with the palms facing each other.)
the hips slightly to the left, bringing the hands slightly back towards
the left hip. Then tobi forward into migi gyaku nekoashi dachi (right
reverse cat stance.) The body will face 45 degrees to the left. At
the same time perform migi soto uke with the left palm touching the
right forearm. The left middle finger is touching what would be the
knife edge of the right hand with the tip of the middle finger even with
the little finger’s third knuckle.
on the right foot, turning counterclockwise 135 degrees into hidari
tate seisan dachi. At the same time perform hidari soto uke.
Perform migi gyaku soto uke.
on the left foot, turning 180 degrees clockwise into migi tate seisan
dachi. At the same time, perform hidari gyaku ude uke (reverse outside
to inside forearm block)
Perform migi soto uke.
on the left foot 90 degrees clockwise into migi neko dachi. As you
turn, perform migi sukui uke (scooping block) then execute migi ude uke.
Perform hidari gyaku soto uke.
on the right foot, turning 90 degrees counter clockwise into shizentai
(natural stance). Perform hidari te uke. (As in Kushanku # 6)
Perform hidari gedan barai then migi seikenzuki chudan (as in Kushanku #7,8)
Step the left foot out wide to the left and perform migi soto uke (as in Kushanku #9)
Bring the left foot back to shizentai and perform hidari seikenzuki chudan (as in Kushanku #10)
Step the right foot out wide to the right and perform hidari soto uke (as in Kushanku #11)
Bring the left foot halfway to the right. Then step the right foot forward into migi neko ashi dachi and perform migi shuto uke.
Step the left foot forward into hidari neko ashi dachi and perform hidari shuto uke.
Step the right foot forward into migi neko ashi dachi and perform migi shuto uke.
Step the right foot backwards into hidari neko ashi dachi and perform hidari kake uke.
on both feet, turning the body 180 degrees counter clockwise bringing
both hands palm down to waist level. (This crossed legged stance is
known as kosa dachi and is an intermediary stance)
the right knee up and perform migi sokuto geri to the right at knee
level. As the kick is performed, the hands close and withdraw to the
left hip. Then set the right foot down into hidari neko ashi dachi and
perform hidari shuto uke to the opposite direction as the kick.
Step the right foot forward into migi neko ashi dachi and perform migi shuto uke.
the right foot back into musubidachi while turning the body 90 degrees
to the right. The fists close and drop down to the thighs. (you should
be facing the direction the shuto uke was performed.)
both hands up into morote jodan uke, then step the right foot forward
into migi junzuki dachi and perform morote tetsui chudan.
Tobi forward slightly and perform migi junzuki chudan.
on the right foot 90 degrees counter clockwise, bringing the left foot
into musubidachi. At the same time, perform migi soto uke to the right
and hidari gedan barai to the left.
the body 180 degrees counter clockwise and step the right out into
shikodachi. At the same time, perform migi gedan barai to the right.
Withdraw the left towards the right into shizentai and perform hidari seikenzuki chudan to the left.
the left hand, with the thumb up. Then perform migi mikazukigeri into
the left palm and set the foot down forward into shikodachi. As the foot
sets down, perform migi empi uchi into the left palm. (The body faces
the opposite direction from the previous move)
Perform migi gedan barai with the fist above the right knee. The head faces the same direction as the right foot.
Without moving the head, perform hidari gedan barai above the left knee.
Perform migi gedan barai above the right knee.
the right foot slightly and bring the fists to migi te uke. Then step
the right foot 90 degrees to the right performing yamazuki (mountain
punch.) The left hand punches to the head and the right hand punches
urazuki chudan.
Bring the right foot
back into musubidachi, pivoting 180 degrees clockwise. Bring the hands
into hidari te uke. Then step the left foot out and perform yamazuki.
The hands are opposite from above.
the left foot back into musubidachi, pivoting 180 degrees counter
clockwise. Bring the hands into migi te uke. Then step the right foot
out and perform yamazuki. The hands are the same as #32.
on the right foot, turning 90 degrees counter clockwise and perform
migi sotouke. (The finished technique looks like #12 above.)
Pivot on both feet, twisting to the right while performing hidari soto uke (#14 above).
Bring the left foot halfway in and step the right foot forward into migi neko ashi dachi. Slowly perform migi shuto uke.
the head 45 degrees to the left. Then pivot on the left foot and step
the right foot 90 degrees to the right and slowly perform migi shuto
Bring the right foot to the left
and step the left foot out into hidari neko ashi dachi in the direction
the head faces. Slowly perform hidari shuto uke.
(Bring the left foot halfway to the right. Then bring the right foot to
the left into the opening posture with the right fist touching the left