Wado Ryu Karate 

The US Eastern Wado Ryu Karate Federation

Wado Ryu Karate Association of Alabama

Jitte Kata         Photos Jitte Kata       Embusen

  1. Rei.
  2. Yoi (Feet close to heisoku dachi. The left open hand covers the right fist at solar plexus level).
  3. Left foot moves back into hidari yoko seishan dachi. Left hand closes and  pulls beside the chest. Right hand opens and performs an open hand block at chudan level with the palm facing up (Similar to Seishan kata). This movement is done slowly.
  4. The left foot steps forward so the body faces at a 45 degree angle to the left into junzukidachi. The right hand performs a downwards shotei uke. The left hand performs an upwards shotei uke. This movement is done at normal speed.
  5. The right foot makes a slight arcing motion and steps forward so the body faces at a 45 degree angle to the right in junzukidachi. As you step, the left hand comes across the body with the palm down and then pulls beside the chest as the right hand performs another palm up, open hand, chudan block. This is done at normal speed.
  6. Pivot on the left foot bringing the right foot around to shikodachi. Perform migi shotei uchi jodan.
  7. Step the left foot forward into shikodachi and perform hidari shotei uchi jodan (Same stepping motion as with the elbow blocks in Pinan Sandan).
  8. Step the right foot forward into shikodachi and perform migi shotei uchi jodan.
  9. Look to the left and step the right foot across in front of the left (As in Naihanchi kata). As you step across, the hands perform juji uke jodan. Next step the left foot out to the left into shiko dachi and perform simultaneous gedan barai to the sides. The head faces to the left during this movement.
  10. Use a slight tobi movement to the left staying in shiko dachi and perform simultaneous soto uke to the sides. The head faces to the left.
  11. Pivot on the right foot 180 degrees clockwise and step into shiko dachi (Same stepping motion as with the elbow blocks in Pinan Sandan). The left arm performs uchi uke jodan to the left side of the body. The right arm performs soto uke jodan to the right side of the body.
  12. Step the right foot forward into shiko dachi and perform migi uchi uke jodan and hidari soto uke jodan.
  13. Step the left foot forward into shiko dachi and perform hidari uchi uke jodan and migi soto uke jodan.
  14. Slowly stand up and drop the hands by your sides.
  15. Step the right foot to the right into mahanmi nekoashi dachi. Perform migi kake uke.
  16. Slide the right foot slightly to the right into junzuki dachi and perform mawashi uke. (The open hands move in a circular motion and pull beside the chest with the right hand fingers pointing down and the left hand fingers pointing up. Then perform simultaneous hidari shotei jodan and migi shotei chudan).
  17. Step the left foot forward into hidari junzuki dachi and perform mawashi uke. The hands will be opposite from above.
  18. Step the right foot forward into migi junzuki dachi and perform mawashi uke.
  19. Pivot on the right foot counterclockwise 270 degrees into a left, backwards leaning stance and perform hidari gedan barai and migi soto uke jodan (Similar to Pinan Godan).
  20. Shift the body to the left into the opposite leaning stance and perform migi gedan barai and hidari soto uke jodan.
  21. Turn the head to face the same direction as the body. Step the left foot into hidari junzuki dachi and perform hidari jodan uke. Then step the right foot forward into junzuki dachi and perform migi jodan uke.
  22. Pivot on the right foot 180 degrees counterclockwise into hidari junzuki dachi and perform hidari jodan uke. Then step the right foot forward into junzuki dachi and perform migi jodan uke.
  23. Yame. (Pivot on the right foot turning 180 degrees counterclockwise into the position in # 2 above)
  24. Rei.

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Updated 7/29/2014
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