Wado Ryu Karate 

The US Eastern Wado Ryu Karate Federation

Wado Ryu Karate Association of Alabama


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  1. Rei.
  2. Yoi.
  3. Look left. Turn 90 degrees to the left into hidari shomen nekoashi dachi (left front-facing cat stance) while performing a hidari soto uke (left middle block), then executing migi gyaku zuki (right reverse punch).
  4. Bring the right foot in towards the left and turn the hips to the right ending in musubi dachi (attention stance) while simultaneously bringing the right fist back to kamae and the left arm across the front of the body at chudan level in a ready position.
  5. Look right. Turn 90 degrees to the right into migi shomen nekoashi dachi (right front-facing cat stance) while performing a migi soto uke (right middle block), then executing hidari gyaku zuki (left reverse punch).
  6. Bring the left foot in towards the right and turn the hips to the left ending in musubi dachi while simultaneously bringing the left fist back to kamae and the right arm across the front of the body at chudan level in a ready position.
  7. Step forward with the right into migi mahanmi no nekoashi dachi (right side-facing cat stance) while performing a migi soto uke with left fist covering the solar plexus.
  8. Step forward with the left foot into hidari zenkutsu dachi (left forward stance) while drawing back both hands to kamae, then driving the fists out to perform juji uke (X-block), right over left.
  9. Bring the fists up across the chest then drive them upwards into shuto jodan juji uke (knife-hand upper X-block). Twist the hands onto the opponents trapped arm and pull the hands down to right kamae while tilting the head to the left for protection. Hands will be at the waist with both hands open, left on top and palm facing down, and right palm facing up.
  10. Perform hidari yoko tettsui uchi (left sideward hammer strike).
  11. Step forward into migi zenkutsu dachi (right forward stance) while performing migi jun-zuki (right lunge punch).KIAI.
  12. Begin withdrawing the right fist to the right side of the face, palm in, while drawing the right foot towards the left. This leads directly to the next move.
  13. Turn 270 degrees to the left into shiko dachi (straddle stance; also known as kiba dachi) while performing migi gedan barai (right downward block) to the right side.
  14. Bring the left foot into shizen hontai (normal natural stance) and perform hidari gedan barai (left downward block) to the left side.
  15. Step the right foot forward into migi zenkutsu dachi, while performing migi yoko empi uchi (right sideward elbow strike).
  16. Simultaneously slide the left foot forward into migi gyaku nekoashi dachi right reverse cat stance)while performing migi jodan ude uke with the left hand, palm down, in front of the solar plexus.
  17. Slide left foot backwards while lowering both arms to chudan level. Immediately twist 90 degrees to left, into hidari kokutsu dachi (left back stance) while performing migi ura-zuki (right back punch) jodan with the left fist, palm down, covering the solar plexus.
  18. Jump, raising the feet as close to the buttocks as possible, and spin 180 degrees to the left, landing in a very low hidari gyaku nekoashi dachi (left reverse cat stance) while performing juji uke as you land.
  19. Turn 90 degrees to the right into migi zenkutsu dachi while performing migi jodan morote uke (right augmented upper inside block).KIAI.
  20. Turn 90 degrees to the left into hidari kokutsu dachi while performing hidari gedan barai and pulling the migi ura-zuki back up and past the right ear. This is a block to the rear, and is fully extended as a punch, then retracted such that the right elbow is a little higher than perpendicular to the ground.
  21. Bring the left foot in towards the right until the heels touch. Step out 45 degrees to the right into migi juji dachi (right cross stance) with the left hand down in front of the groin while the right hand is still behind the right ear, then shift in to migi kokutsu dachi while simultaneously performing migi gedan barai and hidari ura-zuki. Draw in the right leg until the heels touch.
  22. Yame.
  23. Rei.

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Last modified 7/27/2014

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