Wado Ryu Karate 

The US Eastern Wado Ryu Karate Federation

Wado Ryu Karate Association of Alabama

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  1. Rei.
  2. Yoi.
  3. Look left. Step out to your left into hidari mahanmi no nekoashi dachi (left side-facing cat stance), while performing a hidari tettsui otoshi-uke (left hammer downward block). By dropping into the low back stance, one adds acceleration to the downward blocking technique.
  4. Step into migi zenkutsu dachi (right forward stance), and perform a migi jun-zuki (right front punch). The unwinding of the body from the back stance into forward stance accelerates the punch.
  5. Retract the right leg and turn to the right 180 degrees ending up in migi zenkutsu dachi, and perform a migi gedan barai. The downward block is accelerated by the forceful and fluid twisting of the hips from the previous stance.
  6. Draw the right foot back into migi shizentai. At the same time, draw the right hand back and up to prepare for migi otoshi tettsui uke. The block is completed as the right foot completes its movement.
  7. Step the left foot forward into hidari zenkutsu dachi (left forward stance) while performing hidari jun-zuki (left front punch).
  8. Turn 90 degrees to the left into hidari zenkutsu dachi and perform hidari gedan barai.
  9. Step into migi zenkutsu dachi and perform a migi jodan-uke (right upward block).
  10. Step into hidari zenkutsu dachi and perform a hidari jodan-uke (left upward block).
  11. Step into migi zenkutsu dachi and perform a migi jodan-uke. KIAI.
  12. Turn 225 degrees to the left into hidari zenkutsu dachi and perform hidari gedan barai.
  13. Step into migi zenkutsu dachi and perform migi jun-zuki.
  14. Turn 90 degrees to the right into migi zenkutsu dachi and perform migi gedan barai.
  15. Step into hidari zenkutsu dachi and perform hidari jun-zuki.
  16. Turn 45 degress to the left into hidari zenkutsu dachi and perform hidari gedan barai.
  17. Step forward into migi zenkutsu dachi and perform migi jun-zuki.
  18. Step forward into hidari zenkutsu dachi and perform hidari jun-zuki.
  19. Step forward into migi zenkutsu dachi and perform migi jun-zuki.KIAI.
  20. Turn 225 degrees to the left into hidari shomen nekoashi dachi (front facing cat stance). Place the left hand (palm up) over the right hand (palm down) in prepartion for the nukite (spear hand) strike. This is an intermediate stance and should be immediatly followed by the next stance.
  21. Step the left foot forward and twist the hips into shiko dachi (straddle stance), while performing a hidari nukite (left spear hand).
  22. Step forward with the right, passing through migi nekoashi dachi (right cat stance), while placing the right hand (palm up) over the left hand (palm down) in preparation for the nukite strike. This is an intermediate stance and should be immediatly followed by the next stance.
  23. Twist the hips into shiko dachi, while performing a migi nukite (right spear hand thrust).
  24. Turn 90 degrees to the right into migi shomen nekoashi dachi (front facing cat stance). Place the right hand (palm up) over the left hand (palm down) in preparation for the nukite strike. As before, this is an intermediate stance.
  25. Step forward and twist the hips into shiko dachi, while performing a migi nukite.
  26. Step forward with the left, passing through hidari nekoashi dachi, while placing the left hand (palm up) over the right hand (palm down) in preparation for the nukite strike. This is an intermediate stance and should be immediatly followed by the next stance.
  27. Twist the hips into shiko dachi, while performing a hidari nukite.
  28. Yame.
  29. Rei.

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Updated 7/27/2014

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