Wado Ryu Karate 

The US Eastern Wado Ryu Karate Federation

Wado Ryu Karate Association of Alabama

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  1. Rei.
  2. Yoi.
  3. Look left. Turn 90 degrees to the left into hidari nekoashi dachi (left cat stance) while performing a hidari jodan ude uke (left upper inside block).
  4. Step forward a half step with the right into heisoku dachi (closed toes stance) while performing migi jodan ude uke (right upper inside block) and hidari gedan barai (left downward block) simultaneously.
  5. While remaining in heisoku dachi perform hidari jodan ude uke and migi gedan barai (right downward block) simultaneously.
  6. Turn 180 degrees to the right into migi nekoashi dachi (right cat stance) while performing a migi jodan ude uke.
  7. Step forward a half step with the left into heisoku dachi while performing hidari jodan ude uke and migi gedan barai simultaneously.
  8. While remaining in heisoku dachi perform migi jodan ude uke and hidari gedan barai simultaneously.
  9. Turn 90 degrees to the left into hidari nekoashi dachi while performing a hidari jodan ude uke.
  10. Step into migi zenkutsu dachi (right forward stance) while performing a migi tate nukite (right vertical spear hand thrust).KIAI.
  11. Still in migi zenkutsu dachi, shorten up the stance into migi gyaku-nekoaski dachi (right reverse cat stance) while inverting the migi tate nukite 180 degrees to the left so that the palm now faces outward. The idea here is that y our opponent has trapped the wrist of the nukite hand, and by inverting it you break the opponents grip.
  12. Turn 180 degrees to the left and lean forward over the left leg while bringing the back of the right hand to the right buttock. This is an escape maneuver after you have freed the trapped wrist.
  13. Turn 180 degrees to the left into shiko dachi (straddle stance) while performing hidari cudan yoko tettsui uchi (left middle sideward hammer strike). Now free, you have swung back around and delivered a counter attack to the opponents flo ating rib area.
  14. Step into migi zenkutsu dachi while performing migi chudan jun-zuki (right middle front punch).KIAI.
  15. Turn 180 degrees to the left by drawing your left foot to your right, and spin around into musubi dachi (natural attention stance), placing your fists onto your hips.
  16. Step forward with the right foot then twist to the left into shiko dachi while performing a migi kote uke (right arm block) followed by a migi chudan yoko tettsui uchi (left middle sideward hammer strike). Draw back the tettsui to the hip.
  17. Step forward with the left foot then twist to the right into shiko dachi while performing a hidari kote uke (left arm block) followed by a hidari chudan yoko tettsui uchi. Draw back the tettsui to the hip.
  18. Step forward with the right foot then twist to the left into shiko dachi while performing a migi kote uke followed by a migi chudan yoko tettsui uchi. Hold out the tettsui.
  19. Step into hidari zenkutsu dachi while perfoming hidari jodan jun-zuki (left upper front punch).KIAI.
  20. Draw the right foot forward into shizen hontai (normal natural stance) while maintaining the hidari jodan jun-zuki.
  21. Turn 180 degrees to the left by moving the left foot back past the right into shizen hontai while performing a simultaneous hidari empi uchi (left elbow strike) to the rear (sloar plexis) and and perform a right punch over the left shoulder.
  22. Slide the feet to the right and perform simultaneously a migi empi uchi to the rear (solar plexis) and and perform a left punch over the right shoulder.
  23. Yame.
  24. Rei.

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Updated 7/27/2014

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