Wado Ryu Karate 

The US Eastern Wado Ryu Karate Federation

Wado Ryu Karate Association of Alabama

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  1. Rei.
  2. Yoi.
  3. Look left. Step out to your left into hidari mahanmi no nekoashi dachi (left side-facing cat stance), while bringing the right hand to a protection form over the forehead and simultaneously performing a hidari soto uke (left middle block). The upper arm is parallel to the ground and slightly above the forehead, while the left hand is perpendicular to the ground in a proper ude uke.
  4. While remaining in mahanmi no nekoashi dachi perform a migi otoshi uke (right downward block) while pulling the left hand back to the right ear.
  5. Draw the left foot in a half step so that you are in shizen hontai (normal natural stance), while performing a hidari tetsui jodan (left hammer fist to the temple).
  6. Look right. Step out to your right into migi mahanmi no nekoashi dachi (right side-facing cat stance), while bringing the left hand to a protection form over the forehead and simultaneously performing a migi soto uke (right middle block).
  7. While remaining in mahanmi no nekoashi dachi perform a hidari otoshi uke (left downward block) while pulling the right hand back to the left ear.
  8. Draw the right foot in a half step so that you are in shizen hontai (normal natural stance), while performing a migi tetzui jodan (right hammer fist to the temple).
  9. Twist your left foot in towards the right slightly while bringing right arm down to right side and looking behind you. This is an intermediate stance and should be immediately followed by the following stance.
  10. Turning fully behind you, perform a migi mae geri (right front snap kick) and execute migi soto uke over the kicking leg.
  11. Rechamber the right leg and set the right foot beside the left while preparing to perform a hidari jodan shuto uke (left upper knife hand block).
  12. Step left into hidari mahanmi no nekoashi dachi (side-facing cat stance) while performing the hidari jodan shuto uke. The left arm should be vertical to the floor and the right arm should be palm up, above your belt at the solar plexus with fingers pointed to the elbow of the blocking arm.
  13. Step forward into migi mahanmi no nekoashi dachi while performing a migi jodan shuto uke.
  14. Step forward into hidari mahanmi no nekoashi dachi while performing a hidari jodan shuto uke.
  15. Step into migi zenkutsu dachi while performing a migi tate nukite (right vertical spear hand thrust).KIAI.
  16. Turn 225 degrees to the left into hidari mahanmi no nekoashi dachi (side-facing cat stance), while performing a hidari jodan shuto uke.
  17. Step into migi mahanmi no nekoashi dachi , continuing along the 45 degree line, while performing a migi jodan shuto uke.
  18. Turn 90 degrees to the right into migi mahanmi no nekoashi dachi while performing a migi jodan shuto uke.
  19. Step into hidari mahanmi no nekoashi dachi , continuing along the 45 degree line, while performing a hidari jodan shuto uke.
  20. Moving the left foot over to the left 45 degrees, twist the hips into hidari zenkutsu dachi while sweeping out with the left hand and performing migi soto uke.
  21. While maintaining the block, perform migi mae geri keage, then step into  hidari gyakuzuki dachi while performing a hidari gyaku-zuki (left reverse punch).
  22. Still in migi zenkutsu dachi, the stance is slightly shortened with the left hip dropped slightly and the left shoulder turned 45 degrees forward in order to anchor the body down even more while you perform a hidari soto uke.
  23. While maintaining the block, perform hidari mae geri, then step into hidari gyakuzuki dachi while performing a migi gyaku-zuki.
  24. Step into migi zenkutsu dachi and perform migi jodan morote uke (right augmented upper inside block).KIAI.
  25. Turn 225 degrees to the left into hidari zenkutsu dachi and perform a hidari gadan barai.
  26. Step into migi zenkutsu dachi and perform migi jodan uke (right upward block).
  27. Turn 90 degrees to the right into migi zenkutsu dachi and perform a migi gadan barai.
  28. Step into hidari zenkutsu dachi and perform hidari jodan uke (left upward block).
  29. Yame.
  30. Rei.

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Updated 7/27/2014

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