Look left. Step out to your left into hidari ma hanmi
neko ashi dachi (left side facing stance), while bringing the right
hand to a protection form over the forehead, palm out, and simultaneously
performing a hidari jodan haishu uke (left upper over-hand block).
The upper arm is parallel to the ground and slightly above the forehead,
while the left hand is perpendicular to the ground.
Intermediate position.
Look right. Bring the left foot back in towards the right
foot so that it is now in the same position that it started in. Turn the
hands palm inwards, and step out to your right into migi ma hanmi neko
ashi dachi (right side facing stance), driving the hands to the right
with the left hand in a protection form over the forehead, palm out, and
simultaneously performing a migi jodan haishu uke (right upper over-hand
Looking forward, simultaneously draw right foot into shizen
hontai (natural stance) while drawing both hands into fists, palm up
at the hips. Follow immediately with stepping forward to hidari zenkutsu
dachi and perform gedan juji uke (low X-block), with right arm
on top.
Step forward with the right into migi ma hanmi nekoashi
dachi while performing a migi soto uke with left fist covering
the solar plexus.
Bring the left foot forward and together with the right foot
into heisoku dachi (closed toes stance) while bringing the right
fist back to kamae and the left arm across the front of the body at chudan
level in a ready position.
Look left and simultaneouly perform hidari gedan barai
(left downward block) and hidari yoki geri (left front kick
to the side).
Step to the left, twisting the hips into hidari gyakuzuki
dachi while executing a migi yoko enpi uchi (right sideward
elbow strike).
Bring the right foot in towards the left into heisoku
dachi so that you are now facing in the direction of the start of the
kata, while bringing the left fist back to kamae and the right arm across
the front of the body at chudan level in a ready position.
Look right and simultaneouly perform migi gedan barai
(right downward block) and migi yoko geri (right front kick to the
Step to the right, twisting the hips into migi gyakuzuki
dachi while executing a hidari yoko enpi uchi (left sideward
elbow strike).
Look left and perform hidari harai te (left sweeping
hand) while bringing the right hand to a protection form over the forehead,
palm out. This is an intermediate stance and should be immediatly followed
by the following stance.
Twist the hips to the left into yoko seishan dachi
(sideward seishan stance) while simultaneously performing migi tenohira
uke (right palmar block) and bringing the left hand to a protection
form at the side of the head, palm out.
Execute migi mae geri and lunge forward into migi
gyaku nekoashi dachi (right reverse cat stance) while simultaneously
performing migi tate uraken uchi (right vertical backfist strike).
KIAI. During this simultaneous hand movement, the left hand comes down
from the protection form at the side of the head to press block the opponents
punch or kick. As you are pressing downwards with the left, the right hand
releases the arm and circularly comes up from underneath over the press
block to execute the uraken.
Turn 225 degrees to the left on the right foot into hidari
nekoachi dachi (left cat stance) while performing a hidari soto
uke (left middle block).
Placing weight onto the front foot, perform migi mae geri
step into migi zenkutsu dachi. Execute a migi jun-zuki (right
front punch) then a hidari gyaku-zuki (left reverse punch).
Turn 90 degrees to the right on the left foot into migi
nekoachi dachi (right cat stance) while performing a migi soto uke
(right middle block).
Placing weight onto the front foot, perform hidari mae
geri and step into hidari zenkutsu dachi. Execute a hidari
jun-zuki (left front punch) then a migi gyaku-zuki (right reverse
Step forward 45 degrees to the left into hidari ma hanmi
neko ashi dachi while performing a hidari soto uke (left middle
block). The right arm is pulled down across the chest to protect
the solar plexus.
Step forward into migi ma hanmi neko ashi dachi while
performing a migi soto uke. The left arm is pulled down across
the chest to protect the solar plexus.
Step forward into hidari ma hanmi neko ashi dachi
while performing a hidari soto uke (left middle block). The
right arm is pulled down across the chest to protect the solar plexus.
Twist the body 90 degrees to the left while drawing the left
foot back into an elongated front cat stance. At the same time, perform
soto uke. This circular, double inside block is meant to break an opponents
grasp on the front of your gi or neck.
Perform simultaneous morote gedan barai and migi hizageri
knee kick), thus striking the opponent in the face with the knee. KIAI.
The hands should be out to the side and in fists.
Set the right foot beside the left and turn 225 degrees to
the left into hidari mahanmi nekoashi dachi. Perform hidari kake
uke. The right arm is across the chest with the hand open and the fingers
pointed upward.
Bring the right foot halfway to the left then step 90 degrees
to the right into migi mahanmi nekoashi dachi. Perform migi kake
uke. The left arm is across the chest with the fingers pointed upward."
Yame (Step the left foot back slightly then drag the right
heel back into heikodachi.