Yoi (Feet close to heisokudachi. Fists are closed.)
Step the right foot out to the right into shiko dachi. At
the same time, slowly perform morote soto uke. Then withdraw the hands
to the hips.
Open the hands and thrust upwards in front of the face. The
backs of the hands are touching.
Perform morote shuto uke in front of the shoulders.
Bring the left forearm over the head and the right hand,
palm up, in front of the solar plexus.
Bring the left hand down to the left and perform hidari otoshi
tetsui uke.
Perform migi kagizuki (hook punch) with the fingertips while
withdrawing the left fist beside the chest.
Slowly perform hidari kake uke to the left while withdrawing
the right fist beside the chest.
Perform migi kagizuki with the closed fist while withdrawing
the left fist beside the chest.
Pivot on the left foot and turn 180 degrees counter clockwise
into shikodachi. Slowly perform morote soto uke, then withdraw the fists
to the hips.
Perform migi seikenzuki, then hidari seikenzuki.
Bring the right foot, sole up, in front of the left knee.
Position the hands as in #6 above. Then pivot 180 degrees clockwise and
set the right foot back into hidari neko ashi dachi while performing hidari
otoshi tetsui uke.
Step the right foot forward into junzukidachi and perform
migi junzuki chudan.
Turn the body to the left and bring the right foot, sole
up, in front of the left knee. Position the hands as in #6 above. Then
pivot 180 degrees clockwise and set the right foot back into hidari neko
ashi dachi while performing hidari otoshi tetsui uke.
Step the right foot forward into junzukidachi and perform
migi junzuki chudan.
Withdraw the right foot slightly and bring the fists to migi
te uke. Then step the right foot forward performing yamazuki (mountain
punch.) The left hand punches to the head and the right hand punches urazuki
Bring the right foot back into musubidachi, pivoting 180
degrees clockwise. Bring the hands into hidari te uke. Then step the left
foot out and perform yamazuki. The hands are opposite from above.
Bring the left foot back into musubidachi, pivoting 180 degrees
counter clockwise. Bring the hands into migi te uke. Then step the right
foot out and perform yamazuki. The hands are the same as #17.
Bring the right foot back, turn 360 degrees counter clockwise
setting the left foot back into migi neko ashi dachi while performing migi
shuto uke.
Step the left foot forward into hidari neko ashi dachi and
perform hidari shuto uke.
Turn the head and the left foot 90 degrees to the right into
shikodachi while slowly performing morote soto uke. Then withdraw the fists
to the hips.
Yame (Bring the right foot to the left into heisokudachi.)