Step the left foot out in an arc into hidari yoko seisandachi.
At the same time the arms cross in front of the body (left arm down)and
then perform hidari soto uke chudan. The right arm is beside the right
chest. Then perform migi gyakuzuki chudan.
Using the same type arm and foot motion, step forward into
migi yoko seisandachi and perform migi soto uke chudan. Then perform hidari
gyakuzuki chudan.
Step the left foot forward into hidari yoko seisandachi and
perform hidari soto uke chudan. Then perform migi gyakuzuki chudan.
Extend the knuckles of the index fingers (ippon ken) palms
down, and raise the fists to just above chest level. The elbows should
be higher than the fists and the index fingers are slightly apart. The
elbows are performing upward blocks with this motion.
Perform punches to opponent’s lower abdomen with both ippon
With both hands in haito position, raise the arms as if performing
soto uke to the sides.
Lower both arms to the sides as if performing shuto gedan
Turn 180 degrees to the rear by stepping the right foot in
front of the left then turning the body. Once the body is in hidari yoko
seisandachi, perform hidari shuto gedan barai. At the same time, perform
migi haito soto uke chudan, then turn the palm down and pull it into the
right hip (as if blocking, grabbing and pulling an opponent’s arm).
Step the right foot forward into migi yoko seisandachi while
performing migi shuto gedan barai and hidari haito soto uke chudan. The
left hand then turns over and pulls as the right hand did in the previous
movement #10.
Step the left foot forward into hidari yoko seisandachi while
performing hidari shuto gedan barai and migi haito soto uke chudan. The
right hand then turns and pulls to the hip as before. (Note - Up to this
point the movements of the kata have been done slowly and powerfully. The
remainder of the kata is performed at “normal,” full speed.)
Turn 90 degrees to the right sliding both feet into migi
tate seisandachi while performing migi soto uke jodan.
Perform hidari gyakuzuki chudan then migi junzuki chudan.
Turn 180 degrees counter clockwise to the rear, sliding both
feet into hidari tate seisandachi. Perform hidari soto uke jodan.
Perform migi gyakuzuki chudan then hidari junzuki chudan.
Turn 90 degrees to the right, sliding the feet into migi
tate seisandachi while performing migi soto uke jodan.
Perform hidari gyakuzuki chudan then migi jodan uke.
Raise the left knee forward as if preparing to kick. At the
same time, perform uraken upwards under opponent’s chin. Set the left foot
down to the rear into Shikodachi while performing uraken.
Step the right foot in front of the left then perform left
maegeri chudan pulling the left hand back at the same time. As the left
foot sets down into junzuki no tsukkomi stance, perform hidari junzuki
no tsukkomi gedan.
Return the body to a vertical position while twisting into
hidari tate seisandachi and perform migi gyakuzuki chudan.
Perform hidari jodan uke.
Bring the right knee forward as if preparing to kick. At
the same time perform uraken upwards under opponent’s chin. Set the right
foot down to the rear into Shikodachi while performing uraken.
Step the left foot in front of the right then perform right
maegeri chudan pulling the right hand back at the same time. As the right
foot sets down into junzuki no tsukkomi stance, perform migi junzuki no
tsukkomi gedan.
Return the body to a vertical position while twisting into
migi tate seisandachi and perform hidari gyakuzuki chudan.
Perform migi jodan uke.
Raise the left knee forward as if preparing to kick. At the
same time, perform uraken upwards under opponent’s chin. Set the left foot
down to the rear into Shikodachi while performing uraken.
Open the left hand, palm to the right, and perform migi mikazukigeri
(crescent kick), kicking the palm of the left hand with the sole of the
right foot. Set the right foot behind into hidari tate seisandachi.
Twist the hips slightly to the right withdrawing the left
leg so the left knee is in front of the right. The left heel is up. At
the same time withdraw both hands to the hips in preparation for shotei.
Then drop the body and perform shotei osaeuke with both hands. The insides
of the wrists touching.
Yame. Return the left foot back into heikodachi. Fists
are by the sides.