Violent action may be understood as the way of martial arts, but the true meaning of martial arts is to seek and attain the way of peace and harmony.
Stevenson, Rokudan
Hardyman, Godan
Chris Button, Yondan
David Button, Yondan
Bill Ireland, Yondan
Andy McCormick, Godan is also
a member of the Board, but was not able to be present when the photo was
Note: Most e techniques to create what he felt was a more complete system and left Funakoshi to create what is now known as Wado Ryu. Ohtsuka Sensei also studied with and borrowed ideas from other karate notables such as Kenwa Mabuni, the founder of Shito Ryu, and Choki Motobu, famous for his Naihanchi kata and street fighting skills.
Wado Ryu is different from many karate styles in that Ohtsuka Sensei did not believe in the use of the makiwara to toughen the parts of the body used for striking. Also missing from Wado are the hard contact elements of sparring. Wado students learn to use taisabaki (body shifting) to avoid the full force of an attack while at the same time positioning the body for an effective counterattack.
The ultimate goal of Wado Ryu is to develop a peaceful yet fully aware mind that is able to react to any situation. The study Master Ohtsuka.
Mr. Tom Stevenson has studied Wado Ryu for
over 20 years, primarily under the former Patterson Sensei as well as the
current Master Ohtsuka.
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